Sunday 7 December 2014

Job Interviews are Peanuts...............!

Now, how many of you subscribe to this idea? Or for that matter how many of you feel that job interviews are an exercise that are designed to pick your brains and brow beat you till you are are ready to drop? An exercise that leaves you weak at the knees with butterflies playing havoc in your stomach? 

Well, for those of you who are with me on this, you need to keep up your optimistic outlook. But for those of you who consider facing a job interview a herculean task, let me give you three good reasons why you need to change your thought process from the present daunting mind set to a more relaxed approach. 

Let's consider the following:

  • Your CV: All you people who are of the opinion that, interviews are a tough proposition, take a moment to reflect on this - having been called in for an interview is in itself a positive development! It simply means that, you definitely have something to offer to the recruiters and that is the reason for the interview call up. So what's the big fuss all about? Feel good about yourself for having your achievements recognised. Go and meet them confidently and impress them! 
  • Its all about Communicating: The second reason that you doubting Thomas' should realise is that the interview process entails talking or discussing with another human being. You can talk can't you? You have the ability of communicating your thoughts and ideas clearly, don't you? Then where is the problem? This is not some rocket science! Almost all of the discussion would be based on your CV, and this a document which you have prepared, highlighting your skills and achievements, so you know what to expect. Of course there could be a few off beat questions, but then you are smart enough to handle those!
  • They are Humans and not Demons: The third reason to understand is that, the people conducting the interview are humans. You need to get it out of your mind that the recruiters are a sadistic bunch from the H.R. department of the organisation, whose sole responsibility is to brow beat and belittle all those who come in contact with them. If your thinking is in this line, then my friend, you could not be more wrong. Look, these guys are doing their job and it is their responsibility to recruit the best possible talent available. You need to give them your best and how do you do this? By thinking of them as humans with the same amount of feelings and emotions, just like you! 
That's it, the three reasons that should make you look at job interviews from a very different perspective! Think about them and reflect on what I have written and I am confident, you will be on a different plane henceforth.

I have just completed my e-book with the same title. It is a in-depth work on the nuances of job interviews and I am pretty confident that it will serve as an excellent guide for all you job seekers.  Very soon it will be available on Smashword and Amazon. I will keep you posted about it going live with the above retailers.

Till then, all the best! Peanuts anyone?


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