Friday, 4 December 2015

Job Interviews Are Peanuts...just believe in yourself! - 2

In my last post, I had given you a gist or an excerpt of the content from my eBook. The idea behind it was to make you aware of the present day job scenario and what you are up against in terms of landing the job of your dreams.

Yes, the competition is stiff, more than what it used to be some years back. Yes, there are more B-school and technical graduates being churned out by various institutes. This is a universal fact and there is little you can do to change this. But, does this phenomenon mean that your chances of getting the job that you always dreamt of, seem remote? Absolutely not. 

On the contrary, the mushrooming of numerous B-schools and tech institutes is a positive sign. It goes to prove that, there is ample scope for those graduating from these institutes to be absorbed in meaningful ways, there are jobs around that can take in these graduates. Look the people, both government or private enterprise, are not fools. These people will not invest huge sums of capital in setting up high class, state-of-art infrastructure to cater to the demand of those seeking industry related higher education. Now again, why would there be a demand for this education? It is simply because there is scope of getting jobs in the relevant fields of specialisation. 

Aside from those graduating from business school or technical institutes, what what happens to you, if you are just a simple college graduate? Well, let me tell you, things couldn't be better for you. 

The reason I say this is pretty simple. You are not bound by the restrictions of specialisation. You have more scope, you have a bigger field to choose from, there are more avenues to explore as compared to those from business or technical backgrounds. 

But the defining factor, and it doesn't matter whether you are a business school graduate, a technical graduate or a simple college graduate, is choosing the right career path. This is imperative. You've got to make the correct decision and I dare say, this is easier said than done! I've seen many bright young people lose their way and make a mess of their lives and this happens primarily because they did not make the time to choose the right career.

Now the obvious question that would come to your mind is - how do I make the right career choice? Let me counter that with this - what would draw you to a particular career path or more specifically, what do you look for in a job? Do you have what it takes to even apply for a particular job opening? Understanding this is vital.

Even before applying for a job, you will need to really get to know yourself. When you begin to have a deeper understanding of yourself, you will become more confident about your abilities and how these can translate into better out-put on your part but more importantly, knowing yourself better will give you the much needed direction as to the career path you should take or pursue. What this actually translates into is avoiding the many pitfalls and frustrations that you will confront by getting into a career without much thought. And being stuck in a dead-end job, stagnating. You certainly don't want this, do you?

My eBook looks at this aspect in detail and tells you how you should go about getting a better understanding of yourself. I have said this earlier and I can't help but re-emphasise the importance of this exercise that you should carry out. Take time out to look at the real you with a magnifying glass, you will not lose anything but have a lot to gain!

Till the next post, all the best. 


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