Wednesday 30 July 2014

Where do you start?

The answer is quite obvious, you have got to start with YOURSELF

Every action that is targeted at personal development must and should always begin with YOU. There is really no other way. That burning desire to achieve something worthwhile should be the guiding force that propels you to overcome all odds. This is the key that can, and if you are willing to persevere, will help YOU achieve whatever you desire. Yeah sure, you can be helped along the way with a lot of props, but the bottom line; are you really desperate to change your present circumstances? 

So, lets take it that YOU really want to succeed and as I had said at the very beginning of this post, that spark, that seed of change must be planted within YOURSELF for this to happen. Agree?

Okay, now that we are all on the same page, lets take the first step on this incredible journey of self-development and achievement. Ask yourself this question - WHO AM I? A very simple question isn't it? But I assure you, many are stumped at arriving with factual answers. The problem is that we are all so caught up with our daily grind that, we fail to understand ourselves and as a result we, more often than not, get stuck in a rut! Trying desperately to extricate ourselves from the monotony and doldrums of existence.

But it doesn't have to be that way. That question - WHO AM I? holds the key to understanding yourself and succeeding in whatever field you choose. So when you try and answer the question, look closely at the following areas of yourself: -

  • What are you really good at? Maybe you sing well or you are an articulate speaker; you love to play around with numbers; maybe a computer wiz; love meeting and interacting with people, you know, stuff like that.
  • Where do you really need to improve? Areas like, maybe, you are short tempered; don't care about others opinions; cannot keep schedules; a late riser; lack of confidence and so on.
  • What have been the opportunities presented to you at this present juncture? Can you list them and the reasons why these came your way?
  • What's holding you back? Try and list the things or events that are acting as a stumbling blocks to everything that you have attempted up to this present moment of your life.
You know, when you answer these questions truthfully, as if your life depended on them, you will be surprised at the revelation that comes to you. The answers will act as pointers, they will be the guide that will help you charting your life-course. They will provide insights into who you really are and what career is best suited for you.

So go on, try it out!

Till next time, happy "Introspection"!

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