Friday 1 August 2014

Is YOUR image holding YOU back.............?

You know, our lives have become so mechanised that we tend to take a lot things for granted. Like for instance, every morning we literally stumble out of bed, rush through our morning routines, grab a cup of tea or coffee and off we go to whatever it is we do. 

We are so caught up in the present that we neglect to pay attention to ourselves. This leads to a lot of frustration in our professional lives, especially when it comes to moving up in our chosen fields of engagement. Being frustrated further triggers even more negative thoughts about ourselves and we continue to slip deeper into the maze of self-pity and degradation. Result? The quality of our work suffers, while the vicious circle continues, till the inevitable happens.

So, how do you stem this rot? Simple. Take a long, hard look at your mirror ( preferably full length!). What do you see? Do you like the image that is staring back at you? Come on, I know it is the reflection of your physical self, but tell me, do you really like what you see, especially at this present juncture? Being stuck at a dead-end job with no scope of any career advancement, certainly doesn't warrant any 'likes', even if it is for yourself! 

You need to treat the 'mirror' as your confidante, your true friend. It is inanimate, so what you portray to the world, is being reflected in toto by it. There are no frills attached, no buttering or tweaks to your reflected image in the mirror. It just gives you back what you put in! As simple as that. In fact, it has been trying to communicate with you all the time, but did you pay attention? No, I bet not, else you would not have been in this situation in the first place!

Take some time out, stand in front of your mirror and give yourself a microscopic, physical image scrutiny. Start from your hair and work down to your feet. Ask yourself - "what do I need to change in my physical appearance so that I present myself better?" It will surprise you at the things you ought to change when you do an unbiased self-appraisal! 

How about trying the following:

  • Your hairstyle: Maybe its time you wore your hair in a different style. Let people take a second look at you and figure out.
  • Dress Code: Have you been too casual with your wardrobe? Why not try out something that is more formal and goes with the job?
  • Footwear: If till now you were comfortable with sneakers and loafers, think again. A pair of comfortable black shoes should do the trick!
  • Personal Hygiene: People accept and respond to persons who take care of their personal hygiene. If you are a man, make sure there is no stubble and if you sport a moustache or a 'goatee', take care to trim regularly. Clip your fingernails and take care of your breath. Nothing is more of a 'turn-off' than having grime stacked under your fingernails and breath stinking of rotten eggs! If you have a problem of body odour, splash on some deodorant, not too much, but just enough to get you through the day.

Success and self-development are intertwined with the image you portray to all you come in contact with. The "Physical You" is the first thing that hits any person whom you meet. All else comes later. So, it is only logical that you take care of how you portray yourself to the world. And if this image of yours is really getting in the way of your career advancement, then I suggest, follow the above steps I have outlined to make a fresh start.

Just remember, 'change is the only constant!' So whether you are already employed, or just starting out, the basics remain the same.

Till next time!

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