Monday 4 August 2014

5 Simple Steps to Make a Good Impression!

This is a follow-up of my last post (Is YOUR image holding YOU back..........?)!

You know, to a great extent, how others see us or their opinions about us are within our own grasp or control but we fail to realize this important reality!

We all want to be admired, we want people to respect us and look up to us, but do we act or behave in such ways that warrants this? More often than not this is not the case and in the bargain we end up blaming any and everything under the sun for our present predicament.

So, what do you do next to change the situation? Simple, follow the 5 simple steps enumerated below, to change people’s opinion of you!

·  Take PRIDE in YOURSELF: You are unique and the skill sets that you possess are second to none. Hold on to this thought. It doesn't matter where you are at the present moment; you need to take pride in who you are and what you do. Your belief in yourself must be unwavering so that you are able to carry yourself with respect and pride!

·  SINCERITY Counts: Artificiality is a mask that can be peeled off anytime, leaving your real self exposed! Keep away from this temporary means of escape. Things like flattery, hollow promises and unnecessary words which we sometimes use just to make an impression can actually be counter-productive. People are smart enough to see through a guise, so be sincere.

·  Be ENTHUSIASTIC: This trait is magnetic. It attracts people towards you and is contagious. People gravitate towards an enthusiastic person, so make it a point to develop this trait in whatever you do.

·  Don't be OVERZEALOUS: In your effort to make a good impression on others, please don't go overboard with the effort! Besides being smart, people are also great skeptics. Your well meaning effort could be construed as something quite the contrary which could land you in quite a spot! Be your own judge and gauge situations.

·  GROW on your OWN merits: Your progress in life is directly proportional to your own efforts! It is of little or no consequence projecting yourself on other peoples’ efforts. Sooner or later the truth is bound to surface and if you have tried to concoct someone else’s efforts as your own, then the resulting beating your image takes will be beyond repair! You don't need to do this. Instead, bring your own skills to the table and learn in the process!

So there you have it. The 5 simple steps that can help you make a good impression! These steps are extremely easy to follow simply because they are ‘simple’. There is no ‘rocket-science’ involved, no seminars/conferences to attend, all you need to do is, make a concerted effort and put the above into practice. It’s all in your hands!

I hope you have enjoyed reading the above as much as I have enjoyed writing it for you. And it is my sincere wish that it may bring positive changes in your life as you put them into practice! Please share with your friends, colleagues and whoever you think can benefit from it.

Till next time, all the very best!

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